Kyoshi Alarcón
Karate, Jujitsu & Kickboxing Instructor
Kyoshi Alex Alarcón is an excellent competitor and a top-notch instructor. All RSKA students look forward to his dazzling weapons displays and exceptional instruction.
His energetic personality and friendly disposition
He was named the "Outstanding Karate-ka of 2003" for having displayed loyalty and devotion to the ideals and traditions of the Rising Sun Karate Academy above and beyond ordinary expectations and for his conduct being consistent with the highest standards of Black Belt Excellence.
In addition to his active involvement as an instructor and student at Rising Sun Karate Academy, Kyoshi Alarcón is ranked Sandan, third degree Black Belt, in Japanese Jujitsu by the USJA Jujitsu Division and is a student in the RSKA Judo Program. He is an eager student, always ready to learn more.
On November 12, 2010, at the International Martial Arts Summit in Washington DC, Kyoshi Alarcón was named the "Outstanding Program Director of 2010" for his diligence, dedication and commitment to excellence.
On November 13, 2011, at the International Martial Arts Summit in Nashville, TN, Kyoshi Alarcón was named the "Outstanding Instructor of 2011" for his exemplary influence, motivation as a teacher and his relentless drive.
On June 19,
He is a graduate of the Stern School of Business at
Kyoshi Alarcón is a Karate Instructor, a Jujitsu Instructor and a Fitness Kickboxing Instructor at Rising Sun Karate Academy, Headquarters Dojo. He teaches group classes and is available for private lessons. Ask for more details.
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.”
– Richard Bach