Kyoshi Herbster
Karate, Jujitsu & Kickboxing Instructor
Kyoshi Richard Herbster has been training with his father, Shihan Rick Herbster, the Founder of RSKA, since he was three years old. He has a strong competitive nature that has helped him excel in all areas of life.
He is an all-around martial artist with an excellent reputation for his fierce fighting ability, awesome weapons handling and exceptional kata skills.
In 2001 and again in 2002, Kyoshi Herbster was named “The Outstanding Junior Competitor of the Year”. In 2004 he was named the “Outstanding Junior Karate-ka of the Year” for having displayed loyalty and devotion to the ideals and traditions of the Rising Sun Karate Academy above and beyond ordinary expectations and for his conduct being consistent with the highest standards of Black Belt Excellence.
On April 10, 11 & 12, 2009, Kyoshi Herbster competed at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada in the Junior Olympics and the USA Open Karate Championships. He won the Gold Medal in weapons competition and the Silver Medal in the fighting competition. Attracting over 3,500 competitors from 42 countries, this event is one of the biggest and most prestigious Traditional Karate Tournaments in the world.
On June 19, 2021 he was promoted to the rank of Rokudan, sixth degree Black Belt, and awarded the title of Kyoshi in the Rising Sun Karate Academy. In addition to his active involvement as an instructor and student at Rising Sun Karate Academy, Headquarters Dojo, Kyoshi Herbster is ranked Sandan, third degree Black Belt, in Japanese Jujitsu by the USJA Jujitsu Division and is a student in the RSKA Judo Program. He is an eager student, always ready to learn more and bring it back to the RSKA students.
Kyoshi Herbster, a doctor at Temple University Hospital in Philidelphia, PA and he credits much of his accomplishments with the self-discipline, focus and concentration he learns from the study of the martial arts.
Kyoshi Herbster’s favorite quote:
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
– Thomas Edison